Silk Road forums

Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: drugfather on October 09, 2012, 11:56 pm

Title: Thank god
Post by: drugfather on October 09, 2012, 11:56 pm
Limitless, you wonder why you got your moderator status taken away.

I've never met anyone that is more of an egotistical moronic dickface than you are.

I've been nothing but nice to you but you just ask for everyone to hate you
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Limetless on October 10, 2012, 12:03 am
Lol sweetheart would this be because I didn't agree with you trying to take vendors to school or would it because I told you to fuck off because of your dick comment on the other thread?

And no I never wondered why the Mod status was taken away haha, that's what you seem to misunderstand.

Also don't act like the "I've been nothing but nice to you" shite, you happily got involved with that bullshit thread that popped up while I had a few days away. If you can't take it you shouldn't dish it out son. :)
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: NOTspacecase on October 10, 2012, 12:28 am
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Ahoyhoy on October 10, 2012, 04:05 pm

Another fuckin Limetless hate thread.

Have I missed something Lim? What you been doin' to drum up such hatred? Don't tell me, you used to go double dating with Jimmy Saville?
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: sniper123 on October 13, 2012, 11:03 am
Limetless is the reason i got active in the forums. He's such a smartass that some of his posts are epic. A few had me laughing to tears, spilt my bowl of cerial, spilt my bowl of weed, and spilt my drink. I got a few carpet stains because of you buddy haha.
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: dingowombat on October 13, 2012, 11:19 am
Haha! Love this thread. Limetless is epic limetless. Love him or hate him, you have to love him. And hate him.

I'd have a pint with him any day of the week. Then make him pay for the drinks. :-)
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Ballzinator on October 13, 2012, 11:49 am
I'd have a pint with him any day of the week. Then make him pay for the drinks. :-)
He'd expect something very specific in return though, if you know what I mean ;D
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Limetless on October 13, 2012, 06:12 pm
Limetless is the reason i got active in the forums. He's such a smartass that some of his posts are epic. A few had me laughing to tears, spilt my bowl of cerial, spilt my bowl of weed, and spilt my drink. I got a few carpet stains because of you buddy haha.

My work here is done.  8)
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: gestaltassault2 on October 13, 2012, 06:36 pm
Limetless reminds me of PhreeX for all you bluelighters out there...
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: metaphoe on October 13, 2012, 06:38 pm
mufukers actually hate on Limitless ?

didnt yall learn to not give a fuck ? this is an anonymous forum..

n people tryna be nice and show feelins ? fuk that !

you stiLL moderator in the sense u do what u feel.. !

Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Limetless on October 13, 2012, 06:41 pm
Limetless reminds me of PhreeX for all you bluelighters out there...

Fuck Bluelight. :)
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Ballzinator on October 13, 2012, 08:47 pm
Limetless reminds me of PhreeX for all you bluelighters out there...

Fuck Bluelight. :)
You can't fool us ;D
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Limetless on October 13, 2012, 10:01 pm
Limetless reminds me of PhreeX for all you bluelighters out there...

Fuck Bluelight. :)
You can't fool us ;D

Lol I ain't actually on there mate. I went and had a look at it like but when I saw it was just for people to talk balls about their balls and how big their balls were when their balls weren't really that big and you couldn't discuss where to purvey stuff it become pointless for me and main thing, it's a dirty clearnet site lol. I was there for about 5 minutes before I thought "well this is shit" and I have never been back since. If their ain't no business there, that's one thing but when it's infested with wankers, well that's quite another and it's not for me.
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Ballzinator on October 14, 2012, 12:57 am
Limetless reminds me of PhreeX for all you bluelighters out there...

Fuck Bluelight. :)
You can't fool us ;D

Lol I ain't actually on there mate. I went and had a look at it like but when I saw it was just for people to talk balls about their balls and how big their balls were when their balls weren't really that big and you couldn't discuss where to purvey stuff it become pointless for me and main thing, it's a dirty clearnet site lol. I was there for about 5 minutes before I thought "well this is shit" and I have never been back since. If their ain't no business there, that's one thing but when it's infested with wankers, well that's quite another and it's not for me.
Yeah... the stupidity of some Bluelight users knows no limet.
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: Limetless on October 14, 2012, 01:39 am
Limetless reminds me of PhreeX for all you bluelighters out there...

Fuck Bluelight. :)
You can't fool us ;D

Lol I ain't actually on there mate. I went and had a look at it like but when I saw it was just for people to talk balls about their balls and how big their balls were when their balls weren't really that big and you couldn't discuss where to purvey stuff it become pointless for me and main thing, it's a dirty clearnet site lol. I was there for about 5 minutes before I thought "well this is shit" and I have never been back since. If their ain't no business there, that's one thing but when it's infested with wankers, well that's quite another and it's not for me.
Yeah... the stupidity of some Bluelight users knows no limet.

And this is why there can be no Limet on Bluelight. ;) They couldn't handle this shit!!!!
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: ralph123 on October 14, 2012, 01:40 am
It's cool Lim we all love you
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: trainfour20 on October 14, 2012, 04:17 am
I got a few carpet stains because of you buddy haha.

The only thing im thanking god for about this thread is that Lims posts aren't exactly the main cause of most of the carpet stains found in my house haha....but a lot of laughter for sure! if you want carpet stains, there are plenty of 'tube' sites on the clearnet that will do the trick ;)
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: ralph123 on October 14, 2012, 04:22 am
good one trainfour20 lol I don't know about the carpet stains either  :D
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: BlarghRawr on October 14, 2012, 07:12 am
Limitless, you wonder why you got your moderator status taken away.

I've never met anyone that is more of an egotistical moronic dickface than you are.

I've been nothing but nice to you but you just ask for everyone to hate you

Also, I am a fucknugget, worthless, and I beg for drugs. I suck cocks for a hit of smack and I love getting a mushroom stamp if it means I get a stamp bag.

Yes, that's right. I am FUCKNUGGET! Worthless beggar of drugs. Check my name when this gets quoted, even.
Manipulation? Who said I changed anything around? Honest guys, I've done nothing. That is the original post in its full, unadulterated text. :)
Title: Re: Thank god
Post by: nomad bloodbath on October 16, 2012, 01:43 am
Limetless is the reason i got active in the forums. He's such a smartass that some of his posts are epic. A few had me laughing to tears, spilt my bowl of cerial, spilt my bowl of weed, and spilt my drink. I got a few carpet stains because of you buddy haha.

My work here is done.  8)
Ditto for the thread.